The illusion of sex 2009
Richard Russell Harvard University, USA
In the Illusion of Sex, two faces are perceived as male and female.
However, both faces are actually versions of the same androgynous face.
One face was created by increasing the contrast of the androgynous face, while the other face was created by decreasing the contrast. The face with more contrast is perceived as female, while the face with less contrast is perceived as male. The Illusion of Sex demonstrates that contrast is an important cue for perceiving the sex of a face, with greater contrast appearing feminine, and lesser contrast appearing masculine.
Russell, R. (2009) A sex difference in facial pigmentation and its exaggeration by cosmetics. Perception, (38)1211-1219.
Acting Upward
A growing community of collaborators dedicated to helping actors, artists & filmmakers gain experience & improve their craft.
Movie reconstruction from human brain activity
Read more: Movie reconstruction from human brain activityThe left clip is a segment of a Hollywood movie trailer that the subject viewed while in the magnet. The right clip shows the reconstruction of this segment from brain activity measured using fMR
Erik Winquist – The Definitive Weta Digital Guide to IBL hdri capture
Read more: Erik Winquist – The Definitive Weta Digital Guide to IBL hdri capturewww.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/the-definitive-weta-digital-guide-to-ibl
- Camera type: full frame with exposure bracketing and an 8mm circular fish eye lens.
- Bracketing: 7 exposures at 2 stops increments.
- Tripod: supporting 120 degrees locked offsets
- Camera angle: should point up 7.5 degrees for better sky or upper dome coverage.
- Camera focus: set and tape locked to manual
- Start shooting looking towards the sun direction with and without the ND3 filter; The other angles will not require the ND3 filter.
- Documenting shooting with a slate (measure distance to slate, day, location, camera info, camera temperature, camera position)
NOTE: The goal is to clean the initial individual brackets before or at merging time as much as possible.
This means:- keeping original shooting metadata
- de-fringing
- removing aberration (through camera lens data or automatically)
- at 32 bit
- in ACEScg (or ACES) wherever possible
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