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vfxsoldier.wordpress.com An article is making the rounds promoting the 40-hour week and explains how long work hours have proven to cost workers and their employers more of their time, their money, and their health.
As an Honorary Society, VES has led the way in promoting the incredible work of VFX artists but so far no one has stood up to lead the way on the business side of our business. No one has been able to speak out for unrepresented artists and facilities – or the craft as a whole – in any meaningful way.
Visual effects are the true “movie stars” of big studio pictures — they turn today’s movies into box office hits the same way big name actors ensured the success of classic films. In fact, 46 of the 50 top worldwide Box Office films of all time were visual effects-driven. And movies and broadcast programs you wouldn’t think of as visual effects driven routinely utilize “invisible” effects to make changes to hair color, the sky, or to the background of a scene — even creating the entire backlot and sets.
All of Hollywood seems to be still figuring this out, and as a result, the tentpole pattern is now well established:
• A movie demands you’ve-never-seen-this-before visual effects both for marketing and story;
•Ambitious plans and a short schedule leave little margin for error;
•Inevitable schedule problems trigger urgent meetings among studio execs, vendors and filmmakers to get the project back on track;
•”911″ emergency calls go out to almost any vfx shop in the world that can take on some last-minute work;
•Everyone runs a harrowing race to deadline despite all the extra help.
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