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Fabric Software has discontinued work on Fabric Engine, its much-praised framework for developing custom tools for VFX and games pipelines, along with its supporting tools for DCC software.
a computational engine, that will enable web developers to tap into a computer’s multi-core power to bring multi-threaded performance in a web browser.
Used for Image/video processing – 3D Interaction (games, storytelling, interactive manuals) – Perceptual/Visual computing – Simulation (physics, crowds, financial, etc) – Visualization for use in medical, engineering, and oil and gas – Raw computation – Data mining – Business intelligence – Semantic analysis – Recommendation engines – Large-scale simulations – Other computationally intensive applications
The developer of iShoot quit his day job after earning $22,000 a day at the top of the App Store charts. Here’s what you have to do to be next…
Dennis Ritchie is the father of the C programming language, and with fellow Bell Labs researcher Ken Thompson, he used C to build UNIX, the operating system that so much of the world is built on — including the Apple empire overseen by Steve Jobs.
OpenColorIO (OCIO) is a new open source project from Sony Imageworks.
Based on development started in 2003, OCIO enables color transforms and image display to be handled in a consistent manner across multiple graphics applications. Unlike other color management solutions, OCIO is geared towards motion-picture post production, with an emphasis on visual effects and animation color pipelines.
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