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Create a ‘stroke only’ shape layer with four points using the pen tool – with RotoBezier mode on (or rmb on the path attribute and convert to rotobezier).
Window menu > Create Nulls from paths.jsx
Select the path in the shape layer – note: the path itself, not the path group.
Click the ‘Points follow Nulls’ button in the above dialog.
This will give you four nulls you can now animate. The path points will follow those nulls.
The Rotobezier mode will give you a more natural ‘automatic’ curvature to the path.
You can then use expressions on each null to move the curve points around.
“Get a readout of color values for one or more points that would update as you tweaked color correction settings.
This through an expression using the sampleImage method.
The idea is simple: Have a text layer with its Source Text property tied to the output from sampleImage, with the input to sampleImage being a point control that you can drag someplace and then just leave it while you fiddle with your colors.
On the layer that you want to measure, add a Point Control effect (one of the Expression Control effects). You can place the Point Control effect’s crosshair (effect control point) wherever you want.
Create a new text layer above the layer that you want to measure, and add this expression to the Source Text property:
targetLayer = thisComp.layer(thisLayer.index+1);
samplePoint = targetLayer.effect(“Point Control”)(“Point”);
sampleRadius = [1,1];
sampledColor_8bpc = 255 * targetLayer.sampleImage(samplePoint, sampleRadius);
R = Math.round(sampledColor_8bpc[0]);
G = Math.round(sampledColor_8bpc[1]);
B = Math.round(sampledColor_8bpc[2]);
A = Math.round(sampledColor_8bpc[3]);
outputString = ” R: ” +R+ “r G: ” +G+ “r B: ” +B+ “r A: ” +A
This will create a text layer that reports 8-bpc RGBA values for the point under the crosshair for the Point Control effect.
If you’re using an adjustment layer for your color correction, the adjustment layer is the layer that you’ll want to measure.
You can obviously get a lot fancier with this, but this should be enough to get you started.”
HandBrake is a tool for converting video from nearly any format to a selection of modern, widely supported codecs
Non-Linear Video Editor. It is primarily aimed at the GNU/Linux platform but also works on BSD and MacOS. It is currently being ported to Windows as a GSOC project.
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