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Open-source fonts packaged into individual NPM packages for self-hosting in web applications. Self-hosting fonts can significantly improve website performance, remain version-locked, work offline, and offer more privacy.
How to use @font-face in CSS
The @font-face
rule allows custom fonts to be loaded on a webpage.
Also see:
The cone angle of the sun refers to the angular diameter of the sun as observed from Earth, which is related to the apparent size of the sun in the sky.
The angular diameter of the sun, or the cone angle of the sunlight as perceived from Earth, is approximately 0.53 degrees on average. This value can vary slightly due to the elliptical nature of Earth’s orbit around the sun, but it generally stays within a narrow range.
Here’s a more precise breakdown:
This angular diameter remains relatively constant throughout the day because the sun’s distance from Earth does not change significantly over a single day.
To summarize, the cone angle of the sun’s light, or its angular diameter, is typically around 0.53 degrees, regardless of the time of day.
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