– Desktop: ARROWS to move, SPACE to grab objects.
– Mobile: HOLD to move, DOUBLE-TAP to grab objects.
3Dprinting (170) A.I. (639) animation (341) blender (192) colour (225) commercials (45) composition (150) cool (357) design (624) Featured (64) hardware (301) IOS (108) jokes (134) lighting (275) modeling (112) music (183) photogrammetry (171) photography (742) production (1229) python (84) quotes (483) reference (303) software (1317) trailers (290) ves (519) VR (219)
– Desktop: ARROWS to move, SPACE to grab objects.
– Mobile: HOLD to move, DOUBLE-TAP to grab objects.
This is the most detailed model of a human cell to date. Taken using X-ray, nuclear magnetic resonance and cryonelectron microscopy datasets. c/o Ingerson and McGill
GO48 Challenge is an international competition that celebrates the creative skills of the global community comprising students, artists, designers, faculty, professionals and industry experts.
The contest would have 5 Exciting Competitions, each comprising of 2 Challenges, all bound by the common thread 48.
That means, you submit your art/design solution, either in 48 minutes or 48 hours.
To this effect, you can work on design solutions in the following 10 Challenges:
Go48 Graphix : Visual Communication Design : LoGO48 and MotionX.
Go48 Anim8 : 2d & 3d Animation : 3D As8 and Anim8.
Go48 Live : Filmmaking : Photography and Live!
Go48 GameIT : Game Design : CharACTer and Game IT.
Go48 UI/UX : User Interaction / User Experience Design : UI Eye and XD48.
Ambilight is a trademark for the immersive lighting technology that Philips launched in 2004, with lighting on the rear of the TV that reflected on-screen content. To date, they’re the only manufacturers to build this technology into the TV itself.
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