Posted in ves

Joseph Bell – VFX Studio Growth 2022 – 2024

Posted in A.I. software

MASA – Matching Anything By Segmenting Anything

Posted in music

“Star Wars” Medley Electone performance

Posted in production python quotes

How to Build and Code Anything Extremely Quickly

Posted in design

This legendary DC Comics style guide was nearly lost for years – now you can buy it

Posted in jokes quotes

Product priorities – The Frying Pan

Posted in blender

Realistic clouds in Blender in 20 minutes

Posted in blender commercials design

Using Blender, Liquigen and Plasticity to create a production shot in less than 3 hours

Posted in photography production software

Affinity Publisher – The next generation of professional photography, vector editing software as an Adobe replacement

Posted in production software

Change to Adobe terms & conditions outrages many professionals

Posted in commercials

Audible launches first global campaign

Posted in A.I. ves

Ashton Kutcher Says Soon ‘You’ll Be Able to Render a Whole Movie’ Using AI

Posted in A.I.

Kuaishou Kling – Text-to-Video Chinese alternative to Sora

Posted in quotes

Vinod Khosla and Sam Altman on how much equity to give your first employees

Posted in A.I. software

DreamMat: High-quality PBR Material Generation with Geometry- and Light-aware Diffusion Models

Posted in A.I. software

The best tool for creating AI backgrounds for product placement

Posted in music software

ElevenLabs – AI generated sound effects are here

Posted in quotes

Managing Motivation, as a Solo Developer

Posted in A.I. ves

Adobe scolded for selling ‘Ansel Adams-style’ images generated by AI

Posted in ves

Nvidia is now more valuable than Apple at $3.01 trillion

Posted in blender

HAS Paint Layers – A New & Free Blender Painting Addon Has Landed!

Posted in production

Weta Facial Technology

Posted in python

Python – The Black code style formatting

Posted in A.I. design ves

Cara – The AI-Skeptical Artist Portfolio App, Skyrockets to Hundreds of Thousands of Users

Posted in Featured production quotes

Want to build a start up company that lasts? Think three-layer cake