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“Congress has given the ITC broad authority to protect U.S. industries from unfair acts in importation,” said spokeswoman Kate Bedingfield, adding that if the government doesn’t recognize digital products as imports, “American businesses lose an important protection, which puts them at a significant international disadvantage.”
“In other words, emboldened by the MPAA’s filing, the (U.S.A.) visual effects workers are now in a position to use the big studios’ own arguments to compel the government to slap trade tariffs on those studios’ own productions in high-subsidy countries. Those arguments will be especially powerful because the MPAA made them to the very same governmental agencies that will process the visual-effects workers’ case.” A recent survey amongst VFX staff found high levels of dissatisfaction amongst this skilled group over working hours, workloads and work/life balance. Responding to the survey: 77 per cent of people knew someone who had recently left the industry over workloads, overtime and poor working conditions;81 per cent of people had felt pressured or bullied into working overtime for free on films;83 per cent of people said it was difficult, or very difficult, to raise a family whilst working in VFX What does the Charter call for? All overtime to be voluntaryAll overtime to be paidWorking Time Regulation opt-outs to be handled responsiblyRespect for caring responsibilitiesStatutory rights to daily rest to be met (eg 11 hour break between turns of duty)Statutory rights to weekly rest to be met (eg no to working on 12 consecutive days)Better care for night workersRespect for the rights of trade union members.
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