Posted in blender commercials design

Using Blender, Liquigen and Plasticity to create a production shot in less than 3 hours

Posted in photography production software

Affinity Publisher – The next generation of professional photography, vector editing software as an Adobe replacement

Posted in production software

Change to Adobe terms & conditions outrages many professionals

Posted in commercials

Audible launches first global campaign

Posted in A.I. ves

Ashton Kutcher Says Soon ‘You’ll Be Able to Render a Whole Movie’ Using AI

Posted in A.I.

Kuaishou Kling – Text-to-Video Chinese alternative to Sora

Posted in quotes

Vinod Khosla and Sam Altman on how much equity to give your first employees

Posted in A.I. software

DreamMat: High-quality PBR Material Generation with Geometry- and Light-aware Diffusion Models

Posted in A.I. software

The best tool for creating AI backgrounds for product placement

Posted in music software

ElevenLabs – AI generated sound effects are here

Posted in quotes

Managing Motivation, as a Solo Developer

Posted in A.I. ves

Adobe scolded for selling ‘Ansel Adams-style’ images generated by AI

Posted in ves

Nvidia is now more valuable than Apple at $3.01 trillion

Posted in blender

HAS Paint Layers – A New & Free Blender Painting Addon Has Landed!

Posted in production

Weta Facial Technology

Posted in python

Python – The Black code style formatting

Posted in A.I. design ves

Cara – The AI-Skeptical Artist Portfolio App, Skyrockets to Hundreds of Thousands of Users

Posted in Featured production quotes

Want to build a start up company that lasts? Think three-layer cake

Posted in A.I. hardware

Raspberry Pi is getting in on AI

Posted in python

The ultimate introduction to modern GUIs in Python [ with tkinter ]

Posted in A.I. production software

BorisFX Silhouette 2024 – What’s New in Roto

Posted in A.I. quotes

Eating rocks and other shocking Google AI answers we’ve seen so far

Posted in production python

Mesop – Quickly build web UIs in Python. Used at Google for rapid internal app development

Posted in A.I. animation

MegActor: Harness the Power of Raw Video for Vivid Portrait Animation

Posted in A.I. design software

Midjourney StyleCode examples