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Here’s all you need:
1 1/2 ounces beeswax, grated
1 cup olive, almond, or coconut oil
1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil
1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil
20 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil
Ointment Recipe Directions:
1. In a small pot, and melt the oils (except the lavender and lemon essential oils) and beeswax using low heat (very low heat).
2. Remove pot from the heat and add Vitamin E oil, lemon, and lavender essential oil. Stir with a chopstick or a small wooden spoon.
3. Pour the mixture into a small sterilized jar(s) (or a mason jar). Then let stand and cool on the counter.
4. Store it in a dark cool place.
Look up and focus on what you see. Look down and focus on what you see.
crontab myCrontabName
crontab -e (edit cronjob)
crontab -l (list cronjobs)
crontab -r (remove cronjob)
Example edit outside vim
crontab -l > file [ copy the crontab to a file ].
vi file [ make changes to the file as per your need ]
crontab file [ this makes the “file” as new crontab ]
Example file
0 5 * * MON source /home/username/file.bat
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