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The structure of the eye, similar to many other insects, is termed a compound eye and is one of the most precise and ordered patterns in Biology.
China is a work in progress. China is changing, and Chinese capability and pride are rising. And with that rise, China’s cultural, media/tech, and sociopolitical landscapes are rapidly morphing. It’s incumbent upon anyone in China – native or foreign – to roll with those changes.
To wit on the media front, China announced that its State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film & Television (the unfortunate acronym “SAPPRFT” for short), will be abolished in favor of even tighter control under a new body at the cabinet level.
To interact successfully and satisfyingly here, you have to gain some real local perspective and develop an alternate set of instincts that are relevant for this reality as it is, not what you imagine it to be.
Tests on major brands of bottled water have found that nearly all of them contained tiny particles of plastic.
Intermediate Python Programming Course
Until version 3.13 (https://www.pixelsham.com/2024/08/13/gil-to-become-optional-in-python-3-13/), Python is multiprocessing but not multi-threaded, due to its native memory management limitations.
When multiple threads are engaged, there is no protection to memory access and racing conditions occurs.
You can work around this by using Jython or IronPython.
Or by using Python as a wrapper to call to c/c++ native code, same as numpy or scipy do.
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