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Carlos Vilchi has spent some time working on collecting all the technology related to Stage Tech including:
Local copy in the post
(more…)Despilling is arguably the most important step to get right when pulling a key. A great despill can often hide imperfections in your alpha channel & prevents tedious painting to manually fix edges.
Planning with partial observation is a central challenge in embodied AI. A majority of prior works have tackled this challenge by developing agents that physically explore their environment to update their beliefs about the world state. However, humans can imagine unseen parts of the world through a mental exploration and revise their beliefs with imagined observations. Such updated beliefs can allow them to make more informed decisions at the current step, without having to physically explore the world first. To achieve this human-like ability, we introduce the Generative World Explorer (Genex), a video generation model that allows an agent to mentally explore a large-scale 3D world (e.g., urban scenes) and acquire imagined observations to update its belief about the world .
FaceTracker for Blender is:
– Markerless facial mocap: capture facial performance and head motion with a matching geometry
– Custom face mesh generation: create digital doubles using snapshots of video frames (available with FaceBundle)
– 3D texture mapping: beauty work, (de)ageing, relighting
– 3D compositing: add digital make-up, dynamic VFX, hair and more
– (NEW) Animation retargeting: convert facial animation to ARKit blendshapes or Rigify rig in one click
The left face appears whitish and the right one blackish, but they are made up of the same luminance.
Illusory staircase Gelb effect
Sources familiar with details of the production pegged the cost of the first nine 40-minute episodes at north of $80 million; the second batch of nine about to air has a price tag approaching $100 million. What drove the cost far beyond typical animation expenses, insiders say, were both a labor-intensive approach and frequent cost overruns triggered by delayed script deliveries after the second season was put into production with only a fraction of the season written.
But even more eyebrow-raising than the production cost was that Riot spent $60 million of its own money to promote the first season of “Arcane,” exponentially more than a studio would typically spend for a show it isn’t distributing — and far more than Netflix itself spent ($4 million per episode). Reps for the streaming service declined to comment for this article.
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