How we’ve failed the average worker and instead glorified CEOs

CEO total compensation has outpaced US median annual income by 16,638%, on average.


US median annual income increased by just 4% on average ($2,108/year).


CEO total compensation had an average annual increase of 7% ($676,153/year


Since 1974, CEO compensation has grown 940% while the average worker’s compensation has risen just 12%. Meanwhile, the purchasing power of the dollar over that same period has decreased an average of 3% a year from inflation. As a result, the average worker can afford significantly less goods and services today than they could 50 years ago, including housing, clothes and food. The average worker is losing big time.

And for those who would argue the high cost of social welfare, corporate welfare will cost taxpayers almost $400 billion this year alone, which is 25,000% higher than the $1.6 billion that will be spent on social welfare.


