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Leading parties are now in charge of what constitute information.
A supermajority (over 80%) of the 18 in-house VFX crew members at Walt Disney Pictures signed authorization cards signaling their desire to unionize.
The historical move is the second time in history that VFX professionals have joined together to demand the same protections and rights as their colleagues. Earlier this month, VFX crews at Marvel Studios voted to unionize beginning Aug. 21. Ballots are due on Sept. 11, and the vote count will take place on Sept. 12.
The human eye perceives half scene brightness not as the linear 50% of the present energy (linear nature values) but as 18% of the overall brightness. We are biased to perceive more information in the dark and contrast areas. A Macbeth chart helps with calibrating back into a photographic capture into this “human perspective” of the world.
In photography, painting, and other visual arts, middle gray or middle grey is a tone that is perceptually about halfway between black and white on a lightness scale in photography and printing, it is typically defined as 18% reflectance in visible light
Light meters, cameras, and pictures are often calibrated using an 18% gray card[4][5][6] or a color reference card such as a ColorChecker. On the assumption that 18% is similar to the average reflectance of a scene, a grey card can be used to estimate the required exposure of the film.
The exposure meter in the camera does not know whether the subject itself is bright or not. It simply measures the amount of light that comes in, and makes a guess based on that. The camera will aim for 18% gray independently, meaning if you take a photo of an entirely white surface, and an entirely black surface you should get two identical images which both are gray (at least in theory). Thus enters the Macbeth chart.
Note that Chroma Key Green is reasonably close to an 18% gray reflectance.
RGB coordinates of the Macbeth ColorChecker
The WGA proposes the following legislative actions, copied verbatim from their executive summary.
In this tutorial, you’ll:
In short, a shebang is a special kind of comment that you may include in your source code to tell the operating system’s shell where to find the interpreter for the rest of the file:
print("Hello, World!")
The top 10 highest-paid Hollywood executives in the last 5 years includes:
In a random comparison:
Learn about ShotGrid’s basic capabilities and functionality in this introductory course. Set up your account, gain an understanding of the structure of data within ShotGrid, learn to navigate ShotGrid, determine your role, including what you can and cannot do, and customize the view of on-screen data.
While OpenAI and ChatGPT opened up to a wild start and had a record-breaking number of sign-ups in its initial days, it has steadily seen its user base decline over the last couple of months. According to SimilarWeb, July 2023 saw its user base drop by 12 per cent compared to June – it went from 1.7 billion users to 1.5 billion users. Do note that this data only shows users who visited the ChatGPT website, and does not account for users who are using OpenAI’s APIs
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