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Tuesday’s announcement includes termination of the professional services piece of an agreement Unity struck with movie director Peter Jackson’s visual effects company Weta FX in 2021 after Unity purchased the technology and engineering division of Weta FX. As a result, 265 employees whose jobs are related to the agreement will be laid off, the company said.
UPDATE Statement from WētāFX
On November 25, 2023, Unity and Wētā FX mutually agreed to terminate Unity’s service agreement with Wētā FX effective December 10, 2023. This decision comes as Unity refocus their efforts on their core business. The termination of the agreement will see the reduction of 265 Unity roles. Wētā FX will be extending offers to as many of the team as possible as it looks to expand its research, development and support functions. Unity will retain ownership of the technology it acquired from Wētā in December 2021 and will be evaluating the best way to enhance its offerings with it over time. The technology will also remain fully available to Wētā FX. Wētā FX will continue to build and extend the IP, and develop its own tools and techniques, to continue its evolution as a leader in visual effects.
The magazine had repeatedly published articles whose authors could not be found online outside the Sports Illustrated website.
During the course of Futurism’s reporting, some of the alleged Sports Illustrated writers mysteriously vanished from the publication’s website — and their articles began appearing under the names of different authors who similarly didn’t appear to exist online and whose likenesses were also being sold on AI headshot marketplaces.
Following the publication of the report, a spokesperson for The Arena Group — which has operated and licensed Sports Illustrated since 2019 — told CNN that the deleted product review articles had been created by a third-party company, AdVon Commerce.
<strong>NOTE: Resin printing is known to suffer from bending or warping, so it is not suggested for structural or modular pieces</strong>
FDM: Bambu Lab P1S 3D Printer
Supplies You Will Need
NOTE: Resin printing is known to suffer from bending or warping, so it is not suggested for structural or modular pieces
NOTE: You can use Anycubic water washable 8k resin with this printer.
What is ACF film (Advanced Composite Film) for resin printing?
The ACF Film features a bottom, frosted layer film that creates a softer and less suction force during printing. This remarkable attribute significantly enhances the success rate when printing challenging resins with high viscosity, ensuring exceptional results.
Washing and curing
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