
Check final image quality
Local copy:
Nuke tcl procedures
# return to the top
# set the viewport sample to spotmeter
nuke.knobDefault("Viewer.center_fstop", "0")
# check if Nuke is running in UI or batch mode
nuke.env['gui'] # True or False
# prformatted font to use in a text node:
liberation mono
# import node from a path
# Replace '/path/to/your/script.nk' with the actual path to your Nuke script
script_path = '/path/to/your/script.nk'
# Create the node in the script
mynode = nuke.nodePaste(script_path)
# or
mynode = nuke.scriptReadFile(script_path) #asynchronous so the code wont wait for its completion, mynode is empty
# same as
mynode = nuke.tcl('source "{}"'.format(script_path))
my node will be empty and it wont select the node either
# or synchronous
mynode = NukeUI.Scriptlets.loadScriptlet(script_path)
# triggering a delayed execution of a button on a pasted node using oncreate
code = """
import nuke
import threading
def delayed_execute(node, delay=0.5):
def execute_button():
nuke.executeInMainThread(lambda: node['BuildLightingOut'].execute())
timer = threading.Timer(delay, execute_button)
my_node = nuke.thisNode()
my_node ['lightingout_shot'].setValue('PATH/lightingTraining/PATH-lightingTraining-tutorial')
my_node ['lightingout_passFilter'].setValue('all_assets')
# connect a knob on an internal node to a parent's knob
# add a python expression to the internal node's knob like:
# or the opposite
not nuke.thisNode().parent()['falseColors'].getValue()
# or as tcl expression
1- parent.thatNode.disable
# disable widget
# check session performance
# set a project start and end frames
new_frame_start = 1
new_frame_end = 100
project_settings = nuke.Root()
# disable/enable a node
# force refresh a node
# or
# pop up UI alert warning
# return a given node
hdriGenNode = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export')
clampTo1 = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export.Clamp To 1')
# access nodes within a group
# access a knob on a node
# return the node type
# return nodes within a group
hdriGenNode = nuke.toNode('HDRI_Light_Export')
sel = nuke.selectedNodes()
# nodes position
node.setXpos( 111 )
node.setYpos( 222 )
xPos = node.xpos()
yPos = node.ypos()
print 'new x position is', xPos
print 'new y position is', yPos
# execute a node's button through python
# add knobs
div = nuke.Text_Knob('someTextKnob','')
lgt_name = nuke.EvalString_Knob('lgt1_name','LGT1 name', 'some text') # id, label, txt
lgt_size = nuke.XY_Knob('lgt1_size', 'LGT1 size')
lgt_3Dpos = nuke.XYZ_Knob('lgt1_3Dpos', 'LGT1 3D pos')
lgt_distance = nuke.Double_Knob('lgt1_distance', ' distance')
myNode.addKnob(lgt_distance )
lgt_isSun = nuke.Boolean_Knob('lgt1_isSun', ' sun/HMI')
myNode.addKnob(lgt_isSun )
lgt_mask_clr = nuke.AColor_Knob('lgt1_maskClr', 'LGT1 mask clr')
lgt_mask_clr.setValue([0.12, 0.62, 0.115, 0.65])
# add tab group knob
lightTab = nuke.Tab_Knob('lgt1_tabBegin', 'LGT1, nuke.TABBEGINGROUP)
lightTab = nuke.Tab_Knob('lgt1_tabEnd', 'LGT1', nuke.TABENDGROUP)
# note if you have only one tab and you are programmatically adding to the bottom of it
# remove the last endGroup node to make sure the new knobs go into the tab
# python script knob
remove_script = """
node = nuke.thisNode()
for knob in node.knobs():
if "lgt%s" in knob:
lightGizmo = nuke.toNode('lgt%s')
""" % (str(length), str(length))
lgt_remove = nuke.PyScript_Knob('lgt1_remove', 'LGT1 Remove', remove_script)
myNode.addKnob(lgt_remove )
# link checkbox to function through knobChanged
nk = nuke.thisNode()
k = nuke.thisKnob()
if ("Jabuka_checkbox" in k.name()):
print 'ciao'
# knobChanged production example
my_code = """
n = nuke.thisNode()
k = nuke.thisKnob()
if k.name()=="sheetOrSequence" or k.name()=="showPanel":
#print(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue())
if nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 0.0:
n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['masterAppendClip_lastFrame'].getValue())
elif nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 1.0 :
n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['masterContactSheet_lastFrame'].getValue())
# retrieve the knobChanged callback
# nuke knobChanged callback
# “knobChanged” is an “hidden” knob which holds code executed each time that we touch any node’s knob.
# Thanks to that we can filter some user actions on the node and doing cool stuff like dynamically adding things inside a group.
# This follows the node
code = """
knob = nuke.thisKnob()
if knob.name() == 'size':
print "size : %s" % knob.value()
def find_dependent_nodes(selected_node, targetClass):
dependent_nodes = set()
visited_nodes = set()
def recursive_search(node):
if node in visited_nodes:
dependents = node.dependent()
for dependent_node in dependents:
if dependent_node.Class() == targetClass:
return dependent_nodes
find_dependent_nodes(node, 'Write')
# nuke changed through a nuke callback
def myCallback():
# Code to execute when any checkbox knob changes
print("Some checkbox value has changed!")
n = nuke.thisNode()
k = nuke.thisKnob()
if k.name()=="myknob" or k.name()=="showPanel":
print('do this')
nuke.removeKnobChanged(myCallback) # remove it first every time you wish to change the callback
# nuke callback production example (note this will need to be saved in a place that nuke can retrieve:
def sheetOrSequenceCallback():
# Code to execute when any checkbox knob changes
#print("Some checkbox value has changed!")
n = nuke.thisNode()
k = nuke.thisKnob()
if k.name()=="sheetOrSequence" or k.name()=="showPanel":
#print(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue())
if nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 0.0:
n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['masterAppendClip_lastFrame'].getValue())
elif nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['which'].getValue() == 1.0 :
n['frameEnd'].setValue(nuke.toNode(n.name() + '.MasterSwitch')['masterContactSheet_lastFrame'].getValue())
# Add the callback function to the knob
# more about callbacks
# return all knobs
for label, knob in sorted(jonasNode.knobs().items()):
print(label, knob.value())
# remove a knob
for label, knob in sorted(mynode.knobs().items()):
if 'keyshot' in label.lower():
# work inside a node group
# move back to root level
# Add a button link to docs
import webbrowser
browser = webbrowser.get('chrome')
site = 'https://yoursite'
# return all nodes
# python code inside a text node message
[python -exec {
import re
import json
output = ‘hello’
}][python output]
# connect nodes
blur.setInput(0, read)
# label a node
blur['label'].setValue("Size: [value size]\nChannels: [value channels]\nMix: [value mix]")
# disconnect nodes
node.setInput(0, None)
# arrange nodes
for n in nuke.allNodes(): n.autoplace()
# snap them to closest grid
for n in nuke.allNodes(): nuke.autoplaceSnap( n )
# help on commands
# rename nodes
# query the format of an image at a given node level
# select given node
all_nodes = nuke.allNodes()
for i in all_nodes:
# return the connected nodes
# return the input node
# copy and paste node
import tempfile, os, nukescripts
import nuke
import nukescripts
import tempfile
import os
def duplicate_node_to_disk_return_list(node, num_copies):
Writes a single node to a temporary .nk file and reads it back num_copies times.
Returns a list of the newly pasted node objects.
node_name = node['name'].getValue()
original = nuke.toNode(node_name)
if not original:
raise RuntimeError(f"No node found with name: {node_name}")
# Create a temp .nk file
tmp_filename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), f"{node_name}_temp.nk")
# Clear selection, select our node, and write it to disk
new_nodes = []
# Paste num_copies times
for i in range(num_copies):
pasted_node = nuke.nodePaste(tmp_filename)
# Offset each new copy so you can see them separately
offset = 80
pasted_node.setXYpos(original.xpos() + (i+1)*offset, original.ypos())
# Clean up temp file
if os.path.exists(tmp_filename):
return new_nodes
# Example usage:
duplicates = duplicate_node_to_disk_return_list("Light_Master", 10)
print("Created duplicates:", [node.name() for node in duplicates])
# this version will work in a loop but it wont carry custom knobs
import copy
# this will not work on the newer versions of Nuke
# it will break in a loop
nuke.toNode('original node').setSelected(True)
newNode = nuke.nodePaste(nukescripts.cut_paste_file())
# copy and paste node alternative
# this will not carry custom knobs
mynode = nuke.selectedNode()
newNode = nuke.createNode(mynode.Class(), mynode.writeKnobs(nuke.WRITE_NON_DEFAULT_ONLY | nuke.TO_SCRIPT), inpanel=False)
# set knob value
metaNode.knob('operation').setValue('Avg Intensities')
# get knob value
# get a pulldown choice knob label
pulldown_knob = node[knob_name]
pulldown_index = pulldown_knob.value() # Get the current index of the pulldown knob
pulldown_label = pulldown_knob.enumName(pulldown_index)
# link two knobs' attributes
# add knob link
k = nuke.Link_Knob('attr1_id','attr1')
k.makeLink(node.name(), 'attr2_id.attr2')
# link two knobs between different nodes
sel = nuke.selectedNode()
lgt_colorspace = nuke.Link_Knob('colorspace', 'Colorspace')
Read1 = nuke.selectedNode()
sel.knob('colorspace').makeLink(Read1.name(), 'colorspace')
# link pulldown menus
This syntax can be read as {child node}.{knob} — link to {parent node}.{knob}
# create a grade node set to only red and change its gain
mg = nuke.nodes.Grade(name='test2',channels='red')
# remove a node
# get one value out of an array paramater
# find all nodes of type write
writeNodesList = []
for node in nuke.allNodes('Write'): writeNodesList.append(node)
# create an expression in python to connect parameters
myNode.knob("ROI").setExpression("parent." + pos_name)
# link knobs between nodes through an expression (https://learn.foundry.com/nuke/content/comp_environment/expressions/linking_expressions.html)
# connect two checkbox knobs so that one works the opposite of the other (False:True)
node = nuke.toNode('myNode.Text2_all_sphericalcameratest_beauty')
node.knob('disable').setExpression('parent.viewStats ? 0 : 1')
# connect parameters between nodes at different level through an (non python) expression
# connect parameters between nodes at different level through a python expression
# or using python in TCL
[python {nuke.thisNode().parent()['sheetOrSequence'].getValue()}]
# multiline python expression in TCL
[python {nuke.thisNode().parent()['sheetOrSequence'].getValue()}]
[python {print(nuke.thisNode())}]
# multiline python expression from code with a return statement
nuke.selectedNode().knob('which').setExpression('''[python -execlocal
x = 2
for i in range(10):
x += i
ret = x]''', 0)
# connect 2d knobs on the same node through a python expression
nuke.thisNode()['TL'].getValue()[0] + ((nuke.thisNode()['TR'].getValue()[0] - nuke.thisNode()['TL'].getValue()[0])/2)
# To add this as a python expression on each x and y of a 2d knob
newLabel_expression_x = "[python nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[0\] + ((nuke.thisNode()\['TR'\].getValue()\[0\] - nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[0\])/2)]"
newLabel_expression_y = "[python nuke.thisNode()\['TL'\].getValue()\[1\] + 10]"
node['lightLabel'].setExpression(newLabel_expression_x, 0)
node['lightLabel'].setExpression(newLabel_expression_y, 1)
# note this may launch some errors when generating the node
# a tcl expression seems to work best
newLabel_expression_x = "lgt" + str(length) + "_tl.x() + 20"
newLabel_expression_y = "lgt" + str(length) + "_tl.y() + 20"
lgt_label.setExpression(newLabel_expression_x, 0)
lgt_label.setExpression(newLabel_expression_y, 1)
# load gizmo
# set knobs colors
hdriGenNode.knob('add').setLabel("<span style="color: yellow;">Add Light")
# or at creation, add knob with color
lgt_LUX = nuke.Text_Knob('lgt%s_LUX' %str(length),"<font color='yellow'> LUX",'0') # id, label, txt
# or when creating the knob manually:
<font color='#FF0000'>Keyshot 1
<font color='red'>Keyshot 1
# set color knob values
hdriGenNode.knob('lgt_maskClr_1').setValue([0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.8])
hdriGenNode.knob('lgt_maskClr_1').setValue(0.4,3) # set only the alpha
# return nuke file path
# write metadata
metadata_content = '{set %sName %s}\n{set %sMaxLuma %s}\n{set %sEV %s}\n{set %sLUX %s}\n{set %sPos2D %s}\n{set %sPos3D %s}\n{set %sDistance %s}\n{set %sScale %s}\n{set %sOutputPath %s}\n' % (lgtName, lgtCustomName, lgtName, str(maxL[0]), lgtName, str(lgt_EV), lgtName, str(lgt_LUX), lgtName, string.replace(str(pos2D),' ',''), lgtName, string.replace(str(pos3D),' ',''), lgtName, str(distance), lgtName, string.replace(str(scale),' ',''), lgtName, outputPath)
# read metadata
# metadata should be stored under the read node itself under one of the tabs
readNode.metadata().get( 'exr/arnold/host/name' )
# return scene name
# animate text by getting a knob's value of a specific node:
[value Read1.first]
# animate text by getting a knob's value of current node:
[value this.size]
# add to the menus
mainMenu = nuke.menu( "Nodes" )
mainMenuItem = mainMenu.findItem( "NewMenuName" )
if not mainMenuItem :
mainMenuItem = mainMenu.addMenu( "NewMenuName" )
subMenuItem = mainMenuItem.findItem( "subMenu" )
if not subMenuItem:
subMenuItem = mainMenuItem.addMenu( "subMenu" )
return [ mainMenuItem ]
menus = myMenus()
for menu in menus:
menu.addCommand('my tool', 'mytool.file.function()', None)
# add aov layer
nuke.Layer(mynode, [mynode +'.red', mynode +'.green', mynode +'.blue', mynode +'.alpha'])
# onCreate options (like an onload option)
# https://community.foundry.com/discuss/topic/106936/how-to-use-the-oncreate-callback
# https://benmcewan.com/blog/2018/09/10/add-new-functionality-to-default-nodes-with-addoncreate/
# For example, you could do this:
def setIt():
n = nuke.thisNode()
k= n.knob( 'artist' )
user = envTools.getUser()
nuke.addOnCreate(setIt, nodeClass = "")
# retrieve the oncreate function
sel = nuke.selectedNodes()
code = sel[0]['onCreate'].getValue()
# Or if you want to bake your code directly to a node:
code = """
n = nuke.thisNode()
k= n.knob( 'artist' )
user = envTools.getUser()
# Problem with onCreate is that it's run every time the node is created, which means even open a script will trigger the code.
# replace known nodes
nodeToPaste = '''set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 12.2 v10
push $cut_paste_input
Group {
name DeepToImage
tile_color 0x60ff
selected true
xpos 862
ypos -3199
addUserKnob {20 DeepToImage}
addUserKnob {6 volumetric_composition l "volumetric composition" +STARTLINE}
volumetric_composition true
Input {
inputs 0
name Input1
xpos -891
ypos -705
DeepToImage {
volumetric_composition {{parent.volumetric_composition}}
name DeepToImage
xpos -891
ypos -637
ModifyMetaData {
metadata {
{remove exr/chunkCount ""}
name ModifyMetaData1
xpos -891
ypos -611
Output {
name Output1
xpos -891
ypos -530
fileName = '/tmp/deleteme.cache'
out_file = open(fileName, "w")
allNodes = nuke.allNodes()
for i in allNodes:
for node in allNodes:
if 'DeepToImage' in node.name():
newNode = nuke.nodePaste(fileName)
# force a knob on the same line
# stay on the same line
# start a new line
# text message per frame
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 12.2 v10
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
Text2 {
inputs 0
font_size_toolbar 100
font_width_toolbar 100
font_height_toolbar 100
message "MultiplyFloat.a 0.003\nMultiplyFloat2.a 0.35"
old_message {{77 117 108 116 105 112 108 121 70 108 111 97 116 46 97 32 32 32 48 46 48 48 51 10 77 117 108 116 105 112 108 121 70 108 111 97 116 50 46 97 32 48 46 51 53}
box {175.2000122 896 1206.200012 1014}
transforms {{0 2}
global_font_scale 0.5
center {1024 540}
cursor_initialised true
autofit_bbox false
initial_cursor_position {{175.2000122 974.4000854}
group_animations {{0} imported: 0 selected: items: "root transform/"}
animation_layers {{1 11 1024 540 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0}
name Text20
selected true
xpos 1197
ypos -132
FrameRange {
first_frame 1017
last_frame 1017
time ""
name FrameRange19
selected true
xpos 1197
ypos -77
AppendClip {
inputs 5
firstFrame 1017
meta_from_first false
time ""
name AppendClip3
selected true
xpos 1433
push 0
Reformat {
format "2048 1080 0 0 2048 1080 1 2K_DCP"
name Reformat4
selected true
xpos 1843
ypos -251
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge5
selected true
xpos 1843
push $cut_paste_input
Reformat {
format "2048 1080 0 0 2048 1080 1 2K_DCP"
name Reformat5
selected true
xpos 1715
ypos 80
Merge2 {
inputs 2
name Merge6
selected true
xpos 1843
ypos 86
# check negative pixels
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 12.2 v10
push $cut_paste_input
Expression {
expr0 "r < 0 ? 1 : 0"
expr1 "g < 0 ? 1 : 0"
expr2 "b < 0 ? 1 : 0"
name Expression4
selected true
xpos 1032
ypos -106
FilterErode {
channels rgba
size -1.3
name FilterErode4
selected true
xpos 1032
ypos -58
# check where the user is clicking on the viewer area
import nuke
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, QEvent, Qt
from PySide2.QtGui import QMouseEvent
class ViewerClickCallback(QObject):
def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
# Mouse click detected
mouse_pos = event.pos()
print("Mouse clicked at position:", mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y())
return super(ViewerClickCallback, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
#Create an instance of the callback
callback = ViewerClickCallback()
#Install the event filter on the application
qapp = QApplication.instance()
## you can put this under a node's button and close the callback after a given mouse click
## OR closing the callback through a different button
import nuke
from PySide2.QtCore import QObject, QEvent, Qt
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
class ViewerClickCallback(QObject):
def __init__(self, arg1):
self.arg1 = arg1
def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
# Mouse click detected
mouse_pos = event.pos()
print("Mouse clicked at position:", mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y(),'\n')
if self.arg1 == 'bl':
jonasNode['bl'].setValue([mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y()])
return super(ViewerClickCallback, self).eventFilter(obj, event)
# Create an instance of the callback
callback = ViewerClickCallback('bl')
# Store the callback as a global variable
# Install the event filter on the application
qapp = QApplication.instance()
## on the second button:
import nuke
# Retrieve the callback object from the global variable
callback = nuke.root().knob('custom_callback').value()
# Retrieve the QApplication instance
qapp = QApplication.instance()
# Remove the event filter
# collect deepsamples for a given node
nodelist = ['DeepSampleB_hdri','DeepSampleA_hdri','DeepSampleB_spheres','DeepSampleA_spheres','DeepSampleB_volume','DeepSampleA_volume','DeepSampleB_furmg','DeepSampleA_furmg','DeepSampleB_furfg','DeepSampleA_furfg','DeepSampleB_furbg','DeepSampleA_furbg','DeepSampleB_checkers','DeepSampleA_checkers']
nodelist = ['DeepSampleB_hdri']
finalSamplesList = []
for nodeName in nodelist:
finalSampes = 0
for posX in range(0,1921):
for posY in range(0,1081):
nukeNode = nuke.toNode(nodeName)
current_posSamples = nukeNode['samples'].getValue()
finalSamples = finalSamples + current_posSamples
# false color expressions
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
version 13.2 v8
push $cut_paste_input
Expression {
expr0 "(r > 2) || (g > 2) || (b > 2) ? 3:0"
expr1 "((r > 1) && (r < 2)) || ((g > 1) && (g < 2)) || ((b > 1) && (b < 2))\n ? 2:0"
expr2 "((r > 0) && (r < 1)) || ((g > 0) && (g < 1)) || ((b > 0) && (b < 1))\n ? 1:0"
name Expression4
selected true
xpos 90
ypos 1795
# Run a python file's function from within Nuke
# method 1 will output any print statement in my_script
# method 2
import sys, importlib
import my_script # Assuming the file is named my_script.py
importlib.reload(my_script ) # in case a reload is needed
# Call the function and store the return value
result = my_script.my_function()
# Do something with the result (e.g., print it)
nuke.message(result) # This will show a message box with the result
# set knob flags
# Make read nodes relative to where the project is saved
You can achieve this by having Nuke reference a “project_directory” based on your script’s location. In your Nuke script’s Project Settings, click the Script Directory button to set the project_directory knob to:[python {nuke.script_directory()}]
# set knob flags
knobName.setFlag(0x0000000000040000) #the 'HIDDEN' flag (this will remove pins from the viewer as well)
knobName.setFlag(0x0000000000008000) # disable widget
knobName.setFlag(0x0000000000000080) # disable panel
Based on
# General flags (must not intersect any class-specific flags):
DISABLED = 0x0000000000000080 # DISABLED Set by setEnabled(False), cleared by node['knobName'].setEnabled(True).
It will look like this in a copy of the node: addUserKnob {6 database_checkbox l "Publish to database" -STARTLINE +DISABLED}
NO_ANIMATION = 0x0000000000000100 # NO_ANIMATION Prevent the value from being animated.
# This removes any anymation or view buttons, and
# it stops tcl expressions from being evaluated in
# string knobs, and may make it ignore attempts to
# set expressions or key frames (nyi).
DO_NOT_WRITE = 0x0000000000000200 # DO_NOT_WRITE Don't ever save this knob to a script
# (including copy & paste!)
INVISIBLE = 0x0000000000000400 # INVISIBLE The knob does not appear in the panels.
# No widgets are created. This is not the same
# as hide(), and show() will not undo it!
RESIZABLE = 0x0000000000000800 # RESIZABLE The knob can stretch in the panel so
# that it fills up all the remaining space in the line.
# Defaults to true for most of the complex knobs,
# but off for buttons, checkmarks, and pulldown lists.
STARTLINE = 0x0000000000001000 # STARTLINE This knob starts a new row in the panel.
# The default is true unless a zero-length (not NULL)
# string is passed as the label. Currently the default
# is false for checkmarks and buttons but this may
# change in future versions.+INVISIBLE
ENDLINE = 0x0000000000002000 # ENDLINE This knob will end a row, acts exactly
# like STARTLINE was set on the next knob.
# Set true for divider lines.
NO_RERENDER = 0x0000000000004000 # NO_RERENDER This knob does not contribute to the
# hash value for the op. This should be used on knobs
# that have no effect on the op's output.
NO_HANDLES = 0x0000000000008000 # NO_HANDLES Don't draw anything in the viewer,
# this is useful if the Op draws it's own indicators.
KNOB_CHANGED_ALWAYS = 0x0000000000010000 # KNOB_CHANGED_ALWAYS will call node()->knob_changed()
# every time the value of the knob changes. Normally
# it is only called if the user changes the value with
# the panel open. This allows you to track all changes to
# the value. Be careful as knob_changed() will be called
# without storing the new values into your structure.
NO_KNOB_CHANGED = 0x0000000000020000 # NO_KNOB_CHANGED: Don't bother calling Op::knob_changed()
# with this knob. This is turned on automatically
# if the knob_changed() returns false.
HIDDEN = 0x0000000000040000 # HIDDEN Set by hide(), cleared by show().
NO_UNDO = 0x0000000000080000 # NO_UNDO Don't undo/redo any changes to this knob.
# May be replaced with "output knob" in the future.
ALWAYS_SAVE = 0x0000000000100000 # ALWAYS_SAVE save the knob to a script even if not_default()
# returns false. *Deprecated*, instead override not_default()
# and make it return true!
NODE_KNOB = 0x0000000000200000 # NODE_KNOB is used by Nuke internally for controls on
# the DAG appearance such as xpos and ypos.
HANDLES_ANYWAY = 0x0000000000400000 # HANDLES_ANYWAY makes the handles appear in the viewer
# when the panel is open even if a different tab is selected.
INDETERMINATE = 0x0000000000800000 # Presents a blacked out undefined value interface on supporting knobs.
COLOURCHIP_HAS_UNSET = 0x0000000001000000 # whether a color chip can be in the 'unset' state,
SMALL_UI = 0x0000000002000000 # Switches param panel widget to be more viewer Toolbar friendly in
# supported knobs (eg Button).
NO_NUMERIC_FIELDS = 0x0000000004000000 # Disables numeric input box widget on supported knobs.
KNOB_CHANGED_RECURSIVE = 0x0000000008000000 # recursive knobChanged calls are guarded against.
# To override the non-recursion on a particular knob,
# specify this flag
READ_ONLY = 0x0000000010000000 # knob cannot be modified by UI intervention but can
# still be copied from etc
NO_CURVE_EDITOR = 0x0000000020000000 # Disables curve editor.
NO_MULTIVIEW = 0x0000000040000000 # Disables view menu and splitting when in a multiview script.
EARLY_STORE = 0x0000000080000000 # Forces early synchronisation of data allowing usage in pre-op calls
# such as split_input().
MODIFIES_GEOMETRY = 0x0000000100000000 # MODIFIES_GEOMETRY should be set for any knob
# that modifies geometry, either by affecting the
# internal geometry directly or by changing its transform
OUTPUT_ONLY = 0x0000000200000000 # Similar to READ_ONLY & NO_RERENDER together - data changes don't
# count as a script change.
NO_KNOB_CHANGED_FINISHED = 0x0000000400000000 # Prevents knob_changed_finished being called on value change.
# Set if prev call returned false.
SET_SIZE_POLICY = 0x0000000800000000 # Do not use.
EXPAND_TO_WIDTH = 0x0000001000000000 # Force knob to expand to fill available space
# only for Enum knobs currently
NEVER_DRAW_HANDLES = 0x0000002000000000 # Disables viewer widget handles from drawing.
# Unlike the NO_HANDLES flag,
# the state of this flag will never change internally within Nuke
KNOB_CHANGED_RIGHTCONTEXT= 0x0000004000000000 # Always call knob_changed on a properly cooked Op,
# even if KNOB_CHANGED_ALWAYS is on
DONT_SAVE_TO_NODEPRESET = 0x0000008000000000 # This value of this knob should never be saved to a NodePreset.
# Can be used, for example, for data knobs.
RESERVED_COLORCHIP_KNOB = 0x0000010000000000 # DO NOT USE. This value is used by the colorchip knob.
READ_ONLY_IN_SCRIPTS = 0x0000020000000000 # Prevents knobs from being modified from Python/Tcl
ALWAYS_ALIGN_LABEL_TOP = 0x0000040000000000 # Label is always aligned to the top of the Knob
TINY_SLIDER = 0x0000080000000000 # Modifies SLIDER to be a tiny slider underneath lineedit.
# Should be a numeric knob flag but we've overrun the < 0x80 condition.
HIDE_ANIMATION_AND_VIEWS = 0x0000100000000000 # Prevents Animation Curve_Knob and Views being shown.
# Animation is still possible, unless NO_ANIMATION is set of course.
NO_COLOR_DROPDOWN = 0x0000200000000000 # Prevents Color Panel Dropdown from being available.
# Popup color panel will stil be available.
NODEGRAPH_ONLY = 0x0000400000000000 # Indicate that this knob should only be displayed when using
# the NodeGraph, since the Timeline uses gpuEngine,
# which might not support all the same knobs.
MODIFIES_TIME = 0x0001000000000000 # Should be set on all knobs which modify timing
TOOLBAR_BUTTON_DRAWSTYLE = 0x0002000000000000 # This knob must be drawn in the style of Viewer toolbar knobs
NO_SCRIPT_EXECUTE = 0x0000800000000000 # Prevents 'execute' being called on the knob
# Numeric knobs:
MAGNITUDE = 0x0000000000000001 # MAGNITUDE If there are several numbers, this enables a
# button to only show a single number, and all are set equal
# to this number. Default is true for WH_knob() and Color_knob().
SLIDER = 0x0000000000000002 # SLIDER Turns on the slider. Currently this only works if the size
# is 1 or MAGNITUDE is enabled and it is set to single numbers.
# Defaults to on for most non-integer numerical controls.
LOG_SLIDER = 0x0000000000000004 # LOG_SLIDER Tick marks on the slider (if enabled with SLIDER)
# are spaced logarithmically. This is turned on for WH_knob()
# and Color_knob(), and if the range has both ends greater
# than zero. If you turn this on and the range passes
# through zero, the scale is actually the cube root of
# the number, not the logarithim.
STORE_INTEGER = 0x0000000000000008 # STORE_INTEGER Only integer values should be displayed or stored.
FORCE_RANGE = 0x0000000000000010 # FORCE_RANGE Clamps the value to the range when storing.
ANGLE = 0x0000000000000020 # ANGLE Turn on a little widget depicting this number as an angle.
NO_PROXYSCALE = 0x0000000000000040 # NO_PROXYSCALE disables proxy scaling for XY or WH knobs.
# Useful if you just want two numbers called "x" and "y"
# that are not really a position.
# You probably also want to do NO_HANDLES.
# String Knobs
GRANULAR_UNDO = 0x0000000000000001 # Disables concatenation of minor undo events (string knobs)
NO_RECURSIVE_PATHS = 0x0000000000000002 # Badly named. Actually disables relative paths (string knobs).
NO_TCL_ERROR = 0x0000000000000004 # For strings containing TCL expressions,
# don't replace with TCL error messages if an error occurs
# Enumeration
SAVE_MENU = 0x0000000002000000 # SAVE_MENU writes the contents of the menu to the saved script.
# Useful if your plugin modifies the list of items.
EXPAND_TO_CONTENTS = 0x0000000000000001 # Make Enumeration knobs adjust their width to the size of the
# largest munu item.
EXACT_MATCH_ONLY = 0x0000000000000002 # Make Enumeration knobs use exact match when setting a value.
# If an attempt is made to set an invalid value,
# the knob will be put into an Error state.
STRIP_CASCADE_PREFIX = 0x0000000000000004 # Make Cascading Enumeration knobs not serialise out
# cascading prefixes
# SceneView knob
SINGLE_SELECTION_ONLY = 0x0000000000000001 # Knob only allows one item to be selected at a time
SHOW_BUTTONS = 0x0000000000000002 # Show Add Layer/Delete Layer buttons
# BeginGroup
CLOSED = 0x0000000000000001 # Stores the open/closed state of group knobs (group knobs).
TOOLBAR_GROUP = 0x0000000000000002 # Make the group into a viewer toolbar. General used via
# BeginToolbar (group knobs).
TOOLBAR_LEFT = 0x0000000000000000 # Defines which side of viewer toolbar appears on.
# Pick one at toolbar construction time (toolbar).
TOOLBAR_TOP = 0x0000000000000010 # Defines which side of viewer toolbar appears on.
# Pick one at toolbar construction time (toolbar).
TOOLBAR_BOTTOM = 0x0000000000000020 # Defines which side of viewer toolbar appears on.
# Pick one at toolbar construction time (toolbar).
TOOLBAR_RIGHT = 0x0000000000000030 # Defines which side of viewer toolbar appears on.
# Pick one at toolbar construction time (toolbar).
TOOLBAR_POSITION = 0x0000000000000030 # A mask for the position part of the flags
# ChannelSet/Channel:
NO_CHECKMARKS = 0x0000000000000001 # Disable individual channel checkbox widgets
# (channel/channelset knobs).
NO_ALPHA_PULLDOWN = 0x0000000000000002 # Disable 4th channel pulldown widget (channel/channelset knobs).
# Format knob
PROXY_DEFAULT = 0x0000000000000001 # Sets default knob value from script proxy format rather
# than full res (format knob).
COLORCHIP_PRESERVE_ALPHA = 0x0000010000000000 # The ColorChip_knob discards alpha values by default.
# Set this flag to make it keep them, instead.
Installing scripts under Windows
# Add python modules
# Use sys.path.insert/sys.path.append or better with environment variable PYTHONPATH
# IE: Install them them your system python path (ie: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310)
C:\Program Files\Nuke15.1v3\python.exe -m pip install XYZ
# If your python system installation is the same as the Nuke one you can also point Nuke to use those modules
# under the init add
import sys
# or
NOTE: If the module you are after is present under site-packages but not getting loaded in Nuke, then the module is installed correctly, and the issue in Nuke might be due to differences between the standalone Python environment and Nuke’s embedded Python interpreter. In that case, you may need to install six into Nuke’s Python environment. Foundry Nuke uses its own Python interpreter (often bundled with Nuke) which might differ from your standalone Python installation. Even if you append the external site‑packages folder, there can be compatibility issues. The safest approach is to install the required modules (like six) into Nuke’s Python environment directly. You can do this by: Locating Nuke’s own site‑packages directory, or Using Nuke’s package manager (if available) to install six.
If pip says “Defaulting to user installation because normal site‑packages is not writeable,” it means that the package was installed in your user-specific site‑packages folder rather than in Nuke’s system-wide site‑packages directory. For example, if Nuke is using Python 3.8, the user site‑packages location is usually: C:\Users\daniele.tosti\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages
If Nuke uses a different Python version (say, 3.7 or 3.9), then the folder will be similar but with the corresponding version number (e.g., Python37
or Python39
). To verify the exact path used by Nuke’s embedded Python, you can run this code inside Nuke’s Python environment (for example, in the Script Editor):
pythonCopyimport site
This will print out the full path to the user-specific site‑packages directory where six is installed.
# To return the path to the install