DNEG Asks Global Staff Earning Over $43,200usd To Take A Three-Month Pay Cut


This policy applies to all its locations, including London (where it is headquartered), L.A., Vancouver, and Montreal.

A statement put out by the Animation & Visual Effects Union (AVU), a branch of BECTU, describes DNEG’s proposal as, in some cases, a “take-it-or-leave-your-job” package imposed with “very short consultation deadlines.” Affected staff have been given two weeks to respond to the proposal; the deadline is April 30. Reductions will take effect on May 1, and the arrangement will be reviewed in three months.

The union is calling on DNEG to convincingly demonstrate to its staff that the cuts are necessary. It wants the company to give “a detailed overview of their financial position to workers before requesting cuts,” and to give staff time “to access independent advice to interpret such information so that they can understand the way the burden of this issue is being shared between staff and shareholders.”