MovieLabs and Hollywood Studios Publish White Paper Envisioning the Future of Media Creation in 2030

The main limitation that our technology future forecasts is a challenge in speed while supporting valid data to the user base.

Generally speaking, data can change after being stored locally in various databases around the world, challenging its uber validity.

With around 75 billion users by 2030, our current infrastructure will not be able to cope with demand. From 1.2 zettabytes world wide in 2016 (about enough to fill all high capacity 9 billion iphone’s drives), demand is planned to raise 5 times in 2021, up to 31Gb per person.
While broadband support is only expected to double up.

This will further fragment both markets and contents, possibly to levels where not all information can be retrieved at reasonable or reliable levels.

The 2030 Vision paper lays out key principles that will form the foundation of this technological future, with examples and a discussion of the broader implications of each. The key principles envision a future in which:

1. All assets are created or ingested straight into the cloud and do not need to be moved.

2. Applications come to the media.

3. Propagation and distribution of assets is a “publish” function.

4. Archives are deep libraries with access policies matching speed, availability and security to the economics of the cloud.

5. Preservation of digital assets includes the future means to access and edit them.

6. Every individual on a project is identified and verified, and their access permissions are efficiently and consistently managed.

7. All media creation happens in a highly secure environment that adapts rapidly to changing threats.

8. Individual media elements are referenced, accessed, tracked and interrelated using a universal linking system.

9. Media workflows are non-destructive and dynamically created using common interfaces, underlying data formats and metadata.

10. Workflows are designed around real-time iteration and feedback.