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200 years to reach 7 billions.
The global population has nearly tripled since 1950, from 2.6 billion people to 7.6 billion.
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100 Best Unity3d VR Assets
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The world is trying to tell you who you are.
You yourself are trying to tell you who you are.
At some there has to be some reconciliation.
Today we discuss panoramic 3d video capture and how understanding its geometry leads to some new potential focus techniques.
With ordinary 2-camera stereoscopy, like you see at a 3d movie, each camera captures its own partial panorama of video, so the two partial circles of video are part of two side-by-side panoramas, each centering on a different point (where the cameras are).
This is great if you want to stare straight ahead from a fixed position. The eyes can measure the depth of any object in the middle of this Venn diagram of overlap. I think of the line of sight as being vectors shooting out of your eyeballs, and when those vectors hit an object from different angles, you get 3d information. When something’s closer, the vectors hit at a wider angle, and when an object is really far away, the vectors approach being parallel.
But even if both these cameras captured spherically, you’d have problems once you turn your head. Your ability to measure depth lessens and lessens, with generally smaller vector angles, until when you’re staring directly to the right they overlap entirely, zero angle no matter how close or far something is. And when you turn to face behind you, the panoramas are backwards, in a way that makes it impossible to focus your eyes on anything.
So a setup with two separate 360 panoramas captured an eye-width apart is no good for actual panoramas.
But you can stitch together a panorama using pairs of cameras an eye-width apart, where the center of the panorama is not on any one camera but at the center of a ball of cameras. Depending on the field of view that gets captured and how it’s stitched together, a four-cameras-per-eye setup might produce something with more or less twist, and more or less twist-reduction between cameras. Ideally, you’d have a many camera setup that lets you get a fully symmetric twist around each panorama. Or, for a circle of lots of cameras facing directly outward, you could crop the footage for each camera: stitch together the right parts of each camera’s capture for the left eye, and the left parts of each camera’s capture for the right eye.
A growing community of collaborators dedicated to helping actors, artists & filmmakers gain experience & improve their craft.
Agisoft PhotoScan is one of the most common tools used, but you will need the professional version to work with panos.
These do not support 360 cameras:
– Autodesk Recap
– Reality Capture
– MeshLab
CloudCompare is a 3D point cloud (and triangular mesh) processing software. It has been originally designed to perform comparison between two dense 3D points clouds (such as the ones acquired with a laser scanner) or between a point cloud and a triangular mesh. It relies on a specific octree structure dedicated to this task.
Afterwards, it has been extended to a more generic point cloud processing software, including many advanced algorithms (registration, resampling, color/normal/scalar fields handling, statistics computation, sensor management, interactive or automatic segmentation, display enhancement, etc.).
The Spatial Media Metadata Injector adds metadata to a video file indicating that the file contains 360 video. Use the metadata injector to prepare 360 videos for upload to YouTube.
The Windows release requires a 64-bit version of Windows. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, you can still run the metadata injector from the Python source code as follows:
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