Active effectiveness vs passive kindness’ struggle in Macchiavelli’s theories applied to production

1- You should never believe that your opposition does not know their business. Do not take any project lightly.

2- Acquire fame as able, not as good.

3- To know how to recognize an opportunity in any struggle benefits you more than anything else.

4- Make your opposition suspect their own instruments in whom they confide.
Do not commit to any one solution.

5- Guard those places better by which you think you can be hurt less.

6- Don’t keep beside you either too great lovers of passiveness or too great lovers of passion.

7- Act so your opposition do not know how you want to organize your plans. But organize your team so they can support each other independently on the plan.

8- Never lead your team into a project unless you are assured of their commitment and confidence in the result. Discipline counts more than passion. Testing a plan helps with final results.

9- Train your team to get used to difficult situations and circumstances.

10- What benefits the opposition harms you and what benefits you harms the opposition.

11- Carefully detail your opposition and objective and plan accordingly.

12- Nature creates very few talents, but dedication and training make many.

13- Always, always consider and reserve resources for a plan B.

14- Keep your team focused until the results are obtained.

15- Organize a team so that is not specialized but flexible in all ventures. But always be clear on assigned tasks.

16- Counsel about options with many, but discuss details with few.

17- Never commit yourself to a specific task in a large project, unless necessity compels you or opportunity calls.

18- Do not rush but take a moment to analyze unexpected issues.

19- Love peace but be educated on how to be bold and move forward.