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If God has a divine plan for everything. Why pray to change it…
“I cannot articulate enough to express my dislike to people who think that understanding spoils your experience… How would they know?”
Marvin Minsky
A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing feature map (SOFM) is a type of artificial neural network (ANN) that is trained using unsupervised learning to produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input space of the training samples, called a map.
If there were some way for you to download decades of my experience in the business world and sort through the individuals who have had great success bringing real products to market, you’d find something very interesting.
You’d find a lot of very competent, talented, smart, ingenious, driven people who work very hard at their jobs. And the one thing they care about most is helping to deliver groundbreaking products and services that customers prefer over the competition. One more thing they’d all have in common: a specific area of functional expertise. Whether it’s product development, operations, marketing, finance, or an entire market, there is always one thing they do best. The same is true of nearly every successful entrepreneur you’ve ever heard of:
You’re not alone in fact everyone I have ever met has at least one burning in the back of their brain. You see the Great Idea is one thing that we humans cling to in our misguided belief that we are special.
Of course we are not special when it comes to ideas as, just as you are having your epiffany someone on the other side of the world had that thought ten years ago, and you know what makes it worse theirs was better.
Oh sure we struggle with the fact and look for weaknesses with their idea kidding ourselves that our way is better….but is it.
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