Views : 1,005
3Dprinting (173) A.I. (686) animation (336) blender (195) colour (228) commercials (46) composition (150) cool (359) design (629) Featured (66) hardware (304) IOS (109) jokes (134) lighting (279) modeling (117) music (183) photogrammetry (175) photography (749) production (1241) python (85) quotes (485) reference (309) software (1321) trailers (295) ves (529) VR (219) A recent survey amongst VFX staff found high levels of dissatisfaction amongst this skilled group over working hours, workloads and work/life balance. Responding to the survey: 77 per cent of people knew someone who had recently left the industry over workloads, overtime and poor working conditions;81 per cent of people had felt pressured or bullied into working overtime for free on films;83 per cent of people said it was difficult, or very difficult, to raise a family whilst working in VFX What does the Charter call for? All overtime to be voluntaryAll overtime to be paidWorking Time Regulation opt-outs to be handled responsiblyRespect for caring responsibilitiesStatutory rights to daily rest to be met (eg 11 hour break between turns of duty)Statutory rights to weekly rest to be met (eg no to working on 12 consecutive days)Better care for night workersRespect for the rights of trade union members.
if there is one thing we can say about mankind, it is, there is nothing kind about man
DS: You cannot talk about visual effects these days without talking about the rough business climate. There seems to be a tug of war between the studios and the visual effects houses, with considerable finger pointing and frustration. Are there any answers? Is there much more shake out to come? Where do you see things headed?
JK: All in all, the picture is a little grim right now. Unfortunately, there are a lot of companies that engage in really foolish and short sighted business practices. You can’t just blame the studios for wanting to pay less and less for the work.
What’s happening is that when a low target number goes out, somebody says, “Yes.” A lot of times companies are saying “Yes” to a number that they know is going to be below their cost. They know they are going to lose money, for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they don’t know that’s what they are doing.
They completely misunderstood what it is they are bidding on and their bid is based on a wrong assumption. They are going to take it in the shorts because of their naivety. Sometimes they are doing it for strategic reasons, thinking, “We will buy this first one and then…”
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