The Trolly Problem – kill 1 or 4

A run-away trolly is traveling down some tracks.

At the end of the tracks there are 5 people tied up. You are standing next to a switch. If you push the switch, the trolly will be moved to a different set of tracks where there is only 1 person tied up.

The only two outcomes are either you do nothing and 5 people die, or you push the switch and 1 person dies. Which one is the morally correct choice?

One common answer is the utilitarian viewpoint: the greatest good for the greatest number of people is what matters. With this thinking, you should take action and save 4 people’s lives by switching the track. An alternate viewpoint suggest that because the run away trolly was already in place (not at the fault of your own), if you push the switch you will be directly hurting another person (the 1 person). But if you do nothing you are not at fault for any moral wrongs. So with this logic you would do nothing.