The Render-man song


(To be sung to the melody of Piano Man)

It’s nine o’clock on a Friday

We’ve been here 40 hours straight

the client wants 10% more mystery

and then sent a 600 frame plate


They say “It looks great! Here’s a thousand notes

And the producers want this red thing less blue

And my niece likes cats

So we need some of that

And the deadline’s on Sunday at 2:00”


Render a frame, you’re the renderman

Render a frame tonight

Well, we’re all in the mood to be going home

so this time please render it right


Now, John over there is an industry vet

He’s been at it for 20 odd years

He’s a whole lot of fun

When the work day is done

But tonight he is almost in tears


He says, “Bill I belive this is killing me.”

As wires danced across someone’s face

“Well, I’m sure I would slap this damn movie star

If I could get out of this place.”


Now Paul is a VFX generalist

Who never saw his children or wife

And he’s talking with Scott, who’s still on that shot

And probably will be for life


And the interns are fixing up camera tracks

As the freelancers mutter and curse

And the boss says “You’re getting paid overtime

It could be marginally worse”


Render a frame, you’re the renderman

Render a frame tonight

Well, we’re all in the mood to be going home

so this time please render it right


We’re all still here on a Friday night

As the coffee pot starts a new brew

Mark eats a pannini

John’s crashing Houdini


And Jim waits for his renders to queue

And explosions erupt on our monitors

And the workstations smell like a zoo

And the kitchen’s asunder


And we sit and wonder

How the hell to make red things less blue


Render a frame, you’re the renderman

Render a frame tonight

Well, we’re all in the mood to be going home

so this time please render it right