IM3 Stained glass

Some people are asking how… here is a brief explanation on how I did it with photos….

This was the basic process of creating him. Iron Man himself, is the exact size as the original which was done by R. Evans Daniels. With the addition of the “IRON MAN” letters at the bottom, it stands almost 5′ tall.

The first thing I did was get a good picture of the artwork. I found a pretty good, head on version on the Mtv Geek site.I then took the artwork into Photoshop, resized it to the actual size of the original piece, converted it to black and white and cleaned it up a bit. I then brought that image into Illustrator to convert it to vector art so I could get really clean lines when printed.I used PosterRazer to print the oversized picture on multiple pieces of paper, which I then taped back together. I then colored in each facet so I knew which color to paint it. [Imgur)( found an almost perfect window/piece of glass at a second-hard home improvement store for really cheap. I cleaned up the window and repainted it. ImgurAfter some research, I found a company called Jurgen Industries that sells Lacquer glass paint and liquid lead. The liquid led goes on like laying down a bead of caulking and is used to contain the glass stain. I also purchased the glass frosting from them.With a lot of practice, I laid down the liquid lead following the lines from the original artwork. This takes some practice and patience to get right, mine is flawed for sure but for my first time I am pretty proud. The product is pretty forgiving and if you mess up, it is easy to use an xacto knife to cut away the bad areas so you can redo them. Imgur / ImgurOnce the leading was dry, I used 1oz eye droppers to “float on” or fill the different sections with the glass paint. This went pretty easy but being a lacquer based product it is pretty smelly. You will want to work starting on the inside sections and working your way out, in case you drip. For the eyes and the center “power plate” I mixed some white lacquer with some clear lacquer to make it transparent, which I then dripped onto the blue. ImgurAfter a few days of drying, I masked off the IRON MAN letters and brushed several coats of the red paint on. ImgurI also masked off the background lines and applied the texture. I had originally made the lines in the background black, but the lines were not crisp so I did away with them and went clear. I think it ties in with the bottom section better anyway. ImgurMost of the hardware was purchased at the local hardware store and painted red with the glass paint. The straps are made from nylon webbing that was purchased at REI. The brackets that the straps connect to were purchased from US Cargo ControlThe last image in the gallery shows what it looks like with light coming through it but with the old black lines in the background. Which you can see are not very clean