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Lenticular lens sheets are designed to enhance certain image characteristics. In fact, standard lenticular lens sheet designs are broken down into two primary categories, Flip and 3D. The difference between the two designs is the viewing angle. A lenticular lens sheet designed for 3D images will have a narrow viewing angle (typically less than 30°). Conversely, a lenticular lens sheet designed for flip images will have a wider viewing angle (typically higher than 40°).
intitle:”index.of” (mp4|mp3) micheal.jackson
site:edu filetype:pdf
site:edu intitle:”index.of” japanese.fonts
-Full Resolution: 2400x550px
-Projection surface approx.10×2 meters by aligning 3 projectors
-Matrox TripleHead2Go
-Computer to play quicktime in loop mode
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