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A VFX pipeline belongs to one of three classes:
A VFX pipeline is comprised of four structural dimensions:
A VFX pipeline utilizes technology but is not the technology
A VFX pipeline divides a work-flow into separate and meaningful tasks assigned to two or more persons
A VFX pipeline tasks divisions are determined using a tree of specialization across the three dimensions
The VFX pipeline structural form is dictated by
A VFX pipeline is malleable
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The Production Pipeline, Webinar
As part of ongoing promotions for the book, The Digital Visual Effects Studio: The Artists and Their Work Revealed, Mayur hosted webinars on December 6 and 7, 2009. In the sessions, Mayur made the case for artist-centric pipelines, as opposed to data-centric pipelines and he shared some insight as to why production pipelines fail to be fast, light and powerful. We are pleased to make available a recording of one of the sessions, with a run-time of 56m30s.
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